Hello Sir/Mam,
How are you? First of all, thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. You must follow some of our policies to publish free guest posts on our website. We hope that you will be allowed to publish guest posts if you follow all the rules mentioned below.
Rule Number One – Quality Always Comes First
- Post publishes articles that are well-written and plagiarism-free. (AI content no allowed)
- We will not tolerate copied or duplicated content on our blog.
- All other rules for contributing a guest post are mentioned below.
Other Guidelines For Guest Post Contribution:
- Your article should be 100% plagiarism-free, and it should never be reproduced anywhere other than our blog.
- Your article can be between 800 – 1500 words.
- 1 Do-Follow Backlink Allowed
- 3-4 Attractive photos must be provided
- The blog title should be attractive and less than 60 characters.
- The article should be easily readable and divided into sections (H1, H2, and H3) with the necessary sub-headings.
- Provide a precise post image with HD Quality. You can include other pictures if essential for the content frame.
- Pictures Size: (Width: 930 Pixels X Height: 620 Pixels) extension WebP (Example: images_name.webp) JPG, JEPG, PNG no allowed.
Please Note: After your written post is published, you must share that post on Facebook. You have to do this within 12 hours otherwise this post will be deleted.
Banned Niches: Casino / Gambling / Betting / Loan / Adult. Ask first about pricing on other niches like CBD, Crypto, etc.
Some of our most popular websites:
- broom-and-dustpan.com
- carpettexture.com
- curtainsizes.com
You can publish your guest posts on these websites. If you follow this policy.
Contact us for your queries and suggestions.
or send us an email at contact@quotesvines.com
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